Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Adobe Flash is Now Part of Google Chrome

Google officially announced that all downloads of Google Chrome will now include Adobe Flash as part of the plugin. They also added that Chrome users will experience a hassle-free in terms of updating the version of the plugin. Users will have automatic updates without  separate download.

Google goes on to say that “improving the traditional browser plug-in model will make it possible for plug-ins to be just as fast, stable, and secure as the browser’s HTML and JavaScript engines.”

Google is now taking a one-step ahead of Firefox. What will be Mozilla's answer? Who will win this browser war?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

In a Nutshell

in a nutshell

a slang term which means:

to sum up the facts;
to make the long story, brief and short;

In a nutshell, USB 3.0 comprises the following..

I heard a lot about this term in phrases, articles, and in the books. I didn't give too much attention to why the book was named "C# in a nutshell" but not until today. So now, I just finally figured out the last piece of the puzzle.