There are a lot of things that Google can do. Like if you are a student, you probably have difficulties in solving your Physics subject or if you are working on a company that uses time as a resource, or maybe working on a finance department that needs currency conversion, or a traveler that needs information about countries, places, streets, and etc., then all you need is Google Search. Let me share this with you on how I use Google search to its maximum level.
As a Scientific Calculator
As TimeYou can use the time keyword to know time in any place in the world. By specifying the City or Country, time will be displayed with the timezone.
Syntax: time x
As Unit Conversion
Syntax: x lbs to kg
let x be the number to be converted;
145 lbs to kg
As DictionaryUsing Google search as a dictionary is fast and effective way searching for word meanings, spellings, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and etc.
Syntax: define x
As a Scientific Calculator
By using Google search as calculator, keywords are very simple as +, -, *, /, %, and ^. May it be simple or advanced calculations, Google provides the appropriate keywords.
let x and y are numbers;
(sqrt x)
cos xsin x
x mod y
As Time
Syntax: time x
let x be the location:
time bangkok
time California
As Unit Conversion
This involves from meter to centimeters, Fahrenheit to Celsius, pounds to kilos, and some other conversions.
Syntax: x lbs to kg
let x be the number to be converted;
145 lbs to kg
5.5 ft to cm
As Dictionary
Syntax: define x
let x be the word
define rendezvous
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