Monday, April 5, 2010

What you need to know in Google Search

There are a lot of things that Google can do. Like if you are a student, you probably have difficulties in solving your Physics subject or if you are working on a company that uses time as a resource, or maybe working on a finance department that needs currency conversion, or a traveler that needs information about countries, places, streets, and etc., then all you need is Google Search. Let me share this with you on how I use Google search to its maximum level.

As a Scientific Calculator
By using Google search as calculator, keywords are very simple as +, -, *, /, %, and ^. May it be simple or advanced calculations, Google provides the appropriate keywords.

Syntax: x+y

let x and y are numbers;

(sqrt x)
cos x
sin x
x mod y

As Time
You can use the time keyword to know time in any place in the world. By specifying the City or Country, time will be displayed with the timezone.

Syntax: time x

let x be the location:

time bangkok
time California

As Unit Conversion

This involves from meter to centimeters, Fahrenheit to Celsius, pounds to kilos, and some other conversions.

Syntax: x lbs to kg

let x be the number to be converted;

145 lbs to kg
5.5 ft to cm

As Dictionary
Using Google search as a dictionary is fast and effective way searching for word meanings, spellings, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and etc.

Syntax: define x

let x be the word

define rendezvous

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